107 research outputs found

    Chemical source localization fusing concentration information in the presence of chemical background noise

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    We present the estimation of a likelihood map for the location of the source of a chemical plume dispersed under atmospheric turbulence under uniform wind conditions. The main contribution of this work is to extend previous proposals based on Bayesian inference with binary detections to the use of concentration information while at the same time being robust against the presence of background chemical noise. For that, the algorithm builds a background model with robust statistics measurements to assess the posterior probability that a given chemical concentration reading comes from the background or from a source emitting at a distance with a specific release rate. In addition, our algorithm allows multiple mobile gas sensors to be used. Ten realistic simulations and ten real data experiments are used for evaluation purposes. For the simulations, we have supposed that sensors are mounted on cars which do not have among its main tasks navigating toward the source. To collect the real dataset, a special arena with induced wind is built, and an autonomous vehicle equipped with several sensors, including a photo ionization detector (PID) for sensing chemical concentration, is used. Simulation results show that our algorithm, provides a better estimation of the source location even for a low background level that benefits the performance of binary version. The improvement is clear for the synthetic data while for real data the estimation is only slightly better, probably because our exploration arena is not able to provide uniform wind conditions. Finally, an estimation of the computational cost of the algorithmic proposal is presente

    Measuring gas concentration and wind intensity in a turbulent wind tunnel with a mobile robot

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    This paper presents the measurement of gas concentration and wind intensity performed with a mobile robot in a custom turbulent wind tunnel designed for experimentation with customizable wind and gas leak sources. This paper presents the representation in different information layers of the measurements obtained in the turbulent wind tunnel under different controlled environmental conditions in order to describe the plume of the gas and wind intensities inside the experimentation chamber. The information layers have been generated from the measurements gathered by individual onboard gas and wind sensors carried out by an autonomous mobile robot. On the one hand, the assumption was that the size and cost of these specialized sensors do not allow the creation of a net of sensors or other measurement alternatives based on the simultaneous use of several sensors, and on the other hand, the assumption is that the information layers created will have application on the development and test of automatic gas source location procedures based on reactive or nonreactive algorithms

    Manejo del neonato con coartación de aorta e hipoplasia de arco

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa coartación aórtica del neonato puede asociar en un porcentaje importante hipoplasia del arco aórtico, llegando en algunas series al 60%.Cuando existe hipoplasia del arco aórtico distal el tratamiento estándar consiste en la resección de la zona de coartación y anastomosis termino-terminal extendida.En casos de hipoplasia severa del arco aórtico distal y arco distal largo, podría no ser suficiente con la resección y anastomosis termino-terminal extendida, por lo que sería razonable realizar alguna técnica adicional para ampliar el arco aórtico distal, evitando así un abordaje anterior, el uso de parada circulatoria con o sin perfusión cerebral selectiva y el aumento de la morbimortalidad perioperatoria.MétodosPresentamos los resultados de 4 neonatos, a los que se les realizó una ampliación del arco aórtico distal, según técnica de Amato (anastomosis latero-lateral entre las arterias carótida y subclavia izquierdas), para posteriormente resecar la zona de coartación y anastomosar la aorta descendente al arco aórtico previamente ampliado.ResultadosEn todos los casos el ecocardiograma postoperatorio mostró arco reconstruido con flujo laminar. No se ha presentado ningún caso de recoartación durante un período de seguimiento medio de 12 meses.ConclusiónConsideramos que la técnica de elección en la coartación con hipoplasia de arco distal es la resección y anastomosis termino-terminal extendida.En casos seleccionados, con arco aórtico distal muy largo y severamente hipoplásico, la técnica de Amato es una alternativa atractiva, con el objeto de evitar un abordaje anterior y el uso de CEC. Además, puede realizarse en un primer tiempo, manteniendo perfusión sistémica ductus-dependiente.AbstractIntroductionNeonatal aortic coarctation can be combined with a significant percentage of aortic arch hypoplasia, reaching 60% in some series.When there is hypoplasia of the distal aortic arch, the standard treatment consists of resection of the coarctation zone and extended end-to-end anastomosis.In cases of severe distal aortic arch hypoplasia and a long distal arch, resection and extended end-to-end anastomosis would not be sufficient, making it reasonable to perform an additional technique to widen the distal aortic arch, thus avoiding an anterior approach and interrupting the blood circulation with or without selective cerebral infusion, with the resulting risk of an increase in perioperative morbidity and mortality.MethodsThe results are presented on 4 neonates on whom a widening of the distal aortic arch was performed using the Amato technique (side-to-side anastomosis between the left carotid and subclavian arteries), in order to subsequently resect the coarctation zone and perform an anastomosis of the descending aorta to the previously widened aortic arch.ResultsThe post-operative echocardiogram showed a reconstructed arch with laminar flow in all cases. There has been no recurrence of coarctation in any of the cases during a mean follow-up of 12 months.ConclusionWe believe that resection with extended end-to-end anastomosis is the technique of choice in coarctation with distal arch hypoplasia.The Amato technique is an attractive alternative in selected cases with a very long and severely hypoplastic distal arch, with the aim of avoiding an anterior approach and the use of extracorporeal circulation. This could also be performed initially, maintaining ductal-dependent systemic perfusion

    Nurse-Led Interventions in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide, causing 3.32 million deaths in 2019. COPD management has increasingly become a major component of general and hospital practice and has led to a different model of care. Nurse-led interventions have shown beneficial effects on COPD patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. This systematic review was conducted to identify and assess nurse-led interventions in COPD patients in terms of mental, physical, and clinical status. The review was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. The relevance of each manuscript was assessed according to the inclusion criteria, and we retrieved full texts, as required, to reach our conclusions. Data extraction was performed independently by two reviewers, and the risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Forty-eight articles were included in the analysis, which focused on the management of COPD patients by hospital, respiratory and primary nursing care. Nursing management was shown to be highly effective in improving quality of life, emotional state, and pulmonary and physical capacity in COPD patients. In comparison, hospital and respiratory nurses carried out interventions with higher levels of effectiveness than community nurses

    Stranski-Krastanov InN/InGaN quantum dots grown directly on Si(111)

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    The authors discuss and demonstrate the growth of InN surface quantum dots on a high-In-content In0.73Ga0.27N layer, directly on a Si(111) substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy reveal uniformly distributed quantum dots with diameters of 10–40 nm, heights of 2–4 nm, and a relatively low density of ∼7 × 109 cm−2. A thin InN wetting layer below the quantum dots proves the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. Near-field scanning optical microscopy shows distinct and spatially well localized near-infrared emission from single surface quantum dots. This holds promise for future telecommunication and sensing devices

    Influence of the Cumulative Incidence of COVID-19 Cases on the Mental Health of the Spanish Out-of-Hospital Professionals

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    This study aimed to analyze the psychological affectation of health professionals (HPs) of Spanish Emergency Medical Services (EMSs) according to the cumulative incidence (CI) of COVID19 cases in the regions in which they worked. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed, including all HPs working in any EMS of the Spanish geography between 1 February 2021 and 30 April 2021. Their level of stress, anxiety and depression (DASS-21) and the perception of self-efficacy (GSES) were the study’s main results. A 2-factor analysis of covariance was used to determine if the CI regions of COVID-19 cases determined the psychological impact on each of the studied variables. A total of 1710 HPs were included. A third presented psychological impairment classified as severe. The interaction of CI regions with the studied variables did not influence their levels of stress, anxiety, depression or self-efficacy. Women, younger HPs or those with less EMS work experience, emergency medical technicians (EMT), workers who had to modify their working conditions or those who lived with minors or dependents suffered a greater impact from the COVID-19 pandemic in certain regions. These HPs have shown high levels of stress, anxiety, depression and medium levels of self-efficacy, with similar data in the different geographical areas. Psychological support is essential to mitigate their suffering and teach them to react to adverse events.This research was funded by Fundación ASISA and Sociedad Española de Urgencias y Emergencias (SEMES)

    Efecto repelente y tiempo de protección de aceites esenciales frente al estadio adulto de Aedes aegypti

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    The aim of this was to evaluate the repellent effect and protection time of essential oils against the adult Aedes aegypti mosquito. A completely randomized design was used with a factorial arrangement that included 10 essential oils (Minthostachys mollis, Schinus molle, Ruta graveolens, Piper aduncun, Myrica pubescens, Lippia alba, Mentha piperita, Lantana glutinosa, Cymbopogon citratus, Eucalyptus globulus and the DEET control. 10%) and four concentrations of the oils (125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg/ml). Each experimental group consisted of 50 adult female A. aegypti mosquitoes raised in the laboratory and the repellent effect and protection time were evaluated using a sedated animal bait (Rattus rattus) with applications of 0.1 ml of the oils on the legs, tail and face. The rats and mosquitoes were found in two communicating cages of 25x25x40 cm. The oils with the greatest repellent effect and protection time, respectively, were C. citratus (97.4%; 165 minutes), E. globulus (95.8%; 165 minutes), L. glutinosa (93.8%; 180 minutes) and M. piperite (93.5%; 180 minutes) in its highest concentration (1000 mg/l); with differences between oils and between concentrations (p<0.001). Likewise, DEET 10% obtained a repellency of 95.3% and a protection time of 173 minutes. It is concluded that the essential oils of C. citratus, E. globulus, L. glutinosa and M. piperita can be considered as having natural repellent potential for A. aegypti.El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto repelente y tiempo de protección de aceites esenciales frente al mosquito adulto de Aedes aegypti. Se trabajó con un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial que incluyó 10 aceites esenciales (Minthostachys mollis, Schinus molle, Ruta graveolens, Piper aduncun, Myrica pubescens, Lippia alba, Mentha piperita, Lantana glutinosa, Cymbopogon citratus, Eucalyptus globulus y el control DEET 10%) y cuatro concentraciones de los aceites (125, 250, 500 y 1000 mg/ml). Cada grupo experimental se constituyó por 50 mosquitos hembra adultos de A. aegypti criados en laboratorio y el efecto repelente y tiempo de protección se evaluaron usando un cebo animal sedado (Rattus rattus) con aplicaciones de 0.1 ml de los aceites en patas, cola y cara. Las ratas y los mosquitos se encontraron en dos jaulas comunicadas de 25x25x40 cm. Los aceites con mayor efecto repelente y tiempo de protección, respectivamente, fueron: C. citratus (97.4%; 165 minutos), E. globulus (95.8%; 165 minutos), L. glutinosa (93.8%; 180 minutos) y M. piperita (93.5%; 180 minutos) en su concentración mayor concentración (1000 mg/l); con diferencias entre aceites y entre concentraciones (p<0.001). Asimismo, el DEET 10% obtuvo una repelencia de 95.3 % y tiempo de protección de 173 minutos. Se concluye que los aceites esenciales de C. citratus, E. globulus, L. glutinosa y M. piperita pueden considerarse con potencial repelente natural para A. aegypti

    Synthesis and evaluation of fluorimetric and colorimetric chemosensors for anions based on (oligo)thienyl-thiosemicarbazones

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    A family of heterocyclic thiosemicarbazone dyes (3a-d) containing thienyl groups has been synthesized, characterized and their chromo-fluorogenic response in acetonitrile in the presence of selected anions studied. Acetonitrile solutions of 3a-d show absorption bands in the 338-425 nm range which are modulated by the groups attached to the thiosemicarbazone moiety. The fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, dihydrogen phosphate, hydrogen sulfate, nitrate, acetate and anions were used in the recognition studies. Only sensing features were observed for fluoride, cyanide, acetate and dihydrogen phosphate anions. Two different chromogenic responses were found, (i) a small shift of the absorption band due to coordination of the anions with the thiourea protons and (ii) the appearance of a new red shifted band due to deprotonation of the receptor. For the latter process changes in the color solutions from pale-yellow to orange-red were observed. Fluorescence studies showed a different emission behavior according to the number of thienyl rings in the π-conjugated bridges. Stability constants for the two processes (complex formation + deprotonation) for receptors 3a-d in the presence of fluoride and acetate anions were determined from spectrophotometric titrations using the HypSpec program. The interaction of 3d with fluoride was also studied through 1H NMR titrations. Semiempirical calculations to evaluate the hydrogen-donating ability of the receptors were also performed.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) , Acções Integradas Luso-Espanholas/CRUP, Generalitat Valenci

    Clinical validation of risk scoring systems to predict risk of delayed bleeding after EMR of large colorectal lesions

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    [Background and Aims]: The Endoscopic Resection Group of the Spanish Society of Endoscopy (GSEED-RE) model and the Australian Colonic Endoscopic Resection (ACER) model were proposed to predict delayed bleeding (DB) after EMR of large superficial colorectal lesions, but neither has been validated. We validated and updated these models.[Methods]: A multicenter cohort study was performed in patients with nonpedunculated lesions ≥20 mm removed by EMR. We assessed the discrimination and calibration of the GSEED-RE and ACER models. Difficulty performing EMR was subjectively categorized as low, medium, or high. We created a new model, including factors associated with DB in 3 cohort studies.[Results]: DB occurred in 45 of 1034 EMRs (4.5%); it was associated with proximal location (odds ratio [OR], 2.84; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.31-6.16), antiplatelet agents (OR, 2.51; 95% CI, .99-6.34) or anticoagulants (OR, 4.54; 95% CI, 2.14-9.63), difficulty of EMR (OR, 3.23; 95% CI, 1.41-7.40), and comorbidity (OR, 2.11; 95% CI, .99-4.47). The GSEED-RE and ACER models did not accurately predict DB. Re-estimation and recalibration yielded acceptable results (GSEED-RE area under the curve [AUC], .64 [95% CI, .54-.74]; ACER AUC, .65 [95% CI, .57-.73]). We used lesion size, proximal location, comorbidity, and antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy to generate a new model, the GSEED-RE2, which achieved higher AUC values (.69-.73; 95% CI, .59-.80) and exhibited lower susceptibility to changes among datasets.[Conclusions]: The updated GSEED-RE and ACER models achieved acceptable prediction levels of DB. The GSEED-RE2 model may achieve better prediction results and could be used to guide the management of patients after validation by other external groups. (Clinical trial registration number: NCT 03050333.)Research support for this study was received from “La Caixa/Caja Navarra” Foundation (ID 100010434;project PR15/11100006)

    Escucha México, Estrategias Gráficas y Cultura Auditiva. Otoño 2022

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    Este reporte del PAP Escucha México, perteneciente al trabajo realizado durante el periodo de Otoño 2022, cuenta con información detallada sobre los resultados alcanzados en cada uno de los proyectos que integran esta organización en el período anteriormente establecido. Para este proceso en específico, se buscó enfocar la mayor cantidad de esfuerzos posibles a que el 4to Encuentro Internacional de Cultura Auditiva se desarrollara de la mejor forma posible, sin descuidar el trabajo que se siguió realizando en el resto de proyectos. Como resumen general, todos presentaron resultados positivos, pues se tuvo presencia importante en redes sociales, mejor que en periodos anteriores, además de que se combinaron esfuerzos para que el 4to Encuentro tuviera una difusión adecuada y alcanzara a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles, lo que a su vez resultó en eventos llenos de gente interesada en aprender sobre Cultura Auditiva y Discapacidad, ejes temáticos centrales de este PAP.ITESO, A.C